CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: CNC retrofit

Posted by wayne_j_hill
on 2002-05-24 20:15:12 UTC
Hi Pat,

My CNC mill has three 24VDC .5 HP motors found on Ebay ($40 each).
They are dual shaft motors that were converted to servo by mounting a
encoder on it.

Jackson, Michigan

PS. My wife and I were caught in traffic during the "Cherry
Festival" last year.

Discussion Thread

patbearss 2002-05-24 15:59:13 UTC CNC retrofit ja_erickson 2002-05-24 16:36:35 UTC Re: CNC retrofit wayne_j_hill 2002-05-24 20:15:12 UTC Re: CNC retrofit bjammin@i... 2002-05-25 04:49:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] CNC retrofit