CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Homemade router as rapid prototyping machine

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2002-05-30 11:35:20 UTC
mustafa umut sarac wrote:

> Dear Sirs ,
> I need to build extremelly precise router which will be used as stereolithography machine.

What does extremely precise mean? .001"? .0001"? .00001"?

> It will print only the outer edges and lines of a object and it will travel in 2D like free analog heads but not like commercial ink jet printer.
> Router will carry a laser diode and this set will expose polymer layer by layer.
> What kind of steppper motor I need , or how will I understand which is suitable.
> Where can I buy from ?

It depends entirely on your required accuracy and your budget. You should know that
commercial machines of this type cost $100,000 and larger ones with "good" accuracy
cost $250,000 and up. What power laser diode will you use?

Also, the motors are not the only thing you need. You need extremely precise linear
guideways, precision leadscrews, etc. to maintain accuracy in a 1/2 M cube.

You say it will only do the outer edges of the object. A 1/2 M object that is entirely
open in the interior will have very little strength, and may collapse from its own weight.
It will certainly not be dimensionally stable, but will sag as it is built. have you done
any research on SLA systems, and the problems the commercial vendors have fought
and solved? Do you know what accuracy the best in the industry has been able to
deliver? How does their $250,000 machine compare to the "extremely precise" machine
you want to build?

> Speed is not a matter but the extreme precise working.

If the laser is low power, it might take weeks to manufacture a part the size you
are talking about. Is that OK? The laser may be the limiting factor, not the motors.

> And I need to transform sla files as input to my machine.

> How will I do this ?

By writing about 100,000 lines of software.


Discussion Thread

mustafa umut sarac 2002-05-30 07:42:41 UTC Homemade router as rapid prototyping machine Jon Elson 2002-05-30 11:35:20 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Homemade router as rapid prototyping machine