CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 1999-12-14 17:44:49 UTC

The ideas come more rapid than I am able to sort them out. ( Why
on earth did I start to think about this stupid stuff ? )

Okay, the main part of the detector circuit can be reduced to
one single TTL circuit. A shift register. Take 74-198/199. Take
a preload of 7 bits on, 1 bits off ( just wired to Vcc and Gnd )
The single bit in the midle somewhere. Clock it with the step
pulse, and any lost steps, to the shift left or shift right. Have
a these wired to to the full-step input of the driver. There is
not much more to it. Off course you would like to "OR" together
either side, so that if you have lost 1, 2, 3 bits, this is
registered. There is a lot of other circuits that could be used.
I just pick one from memory.

I guess the "freewheeling" step motor would be the easiest way to
make this for a DIY circuit, because you wild not need to match
the step/rev with the encoder, and this step motor could be the
smallest ones around. You don't need any high current driver,
maybe just another TTL/CMOS package. There is several other ways
to make a sensor type, if you mount this back to back with the
motor. ( I will not say anymore about that )

The thing is that you will have a closed loop controll over a step
motor, will very little circuits added, and it should work with
any type of interface, based on step/dir signals.


( I hope for a bit a peace now, - no more ideas :)

Discussion Thread

Arne Chr.Jorgensen 1999-12-14 17:44:49 UTC CRAZY STUFF UPDATE 2