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Was Power Supply Circuit Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO]

Posted by John
on 2002-06-17 11:45:50 UTC
> Hi John,
> Thanks for the fill-in. I'll try to see some of the places you've
> mentioned. And I have to agree, I see a lot of "Art" in my milling
> machines, yes, even in the RF-31 mill that stands tall in my garage!
> I'm hoping to find something like a steam engine museum while there.

///Do you have any links to a information on building a really, really
simple static steam engine? I'm waiting for my carbide tooling to get
through customs and for me to move my ass down to school to mill out the
toolpost for the lathe. But after that, I'll be free to turn chips on my
(Keeping it on topic part) CNC lathe. When it gets moving I'll make a few
videos of it so you guys can see what it's like. A steam engine would take a
good place along side that model gas turbine, home brew coolant pump and
tray, automatic mode mod for paintball gun, DIY 2" mortor... the list is

> I'm looking forward to the Stewart engine, something I've wanted since I
> was in high school, drooling over a Coles' Power Model catalogue (proper
> UK spelling)! I've heard that the sterling engines were harder to
> build, due to the closer tolerances needed. I'm also going to remind
> myself to look for some of the English model engineers' magazines while
> there.
> Alan KM6VV
> P.S. I'm packin' PB&J sandwiches!

Actually, I can't find many magazines over here like HSM. HSM is a very
American guy sort of thing, for reference I give that man on sky TV who
does Yankee Workshop. Over there it seems every other house has a Miller TIG
runner or Bridgeport in their garage, here it's a sort of failed attempt.
B&Q haul in families trying to redecorate badly, rather than eager guys with
no money trying to buy very expensive machinery. Oh, that's me.


Discussion Thread

John 2002-06-17 11:45:50 UTC Was Power Supply Circuit Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO]