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Linux possibly repeat question

on 2000-01-18 23:37:48 UTC

I am sick of Windows 98 cannibalizing itself everytime I add software of

I attempted installing RH Linux 5.2 Deluxe on an old PC and got hung up in
the complexity and put the project aside.

Meanwhile, I picked up RH Linux 6.1 (Standard) and a 20 GB hard drive. I was
thinking about putting Linux on one drive and leaving my W98 drive alone. I
have heard dual OS is easier to install than remove without affecting the
remaining W98.

I heard a Red Hat executive interviewed on NPR a few days ago, and in
response to a caller inquiring about running both Linux and Windows, he
mentioned VMWare. They make "virtual machine" software (I don't know, is
this technically an OS, or something altogether different?) that you select
to run on your primary OS, either Windows or Linux. The secondary OS then is
launched and controlled by the Virtual Machine. They say Windows runs much
more stably.

Anyone familiar with the VMWare concept and what the advantage is over a
'dual boot' system?

Also, what's the consensus on Linux difficulty of installation? I hear it
can be a pain in the neck. I'm willing to blame my previous aborted
installation on the PC having old hardware components. I've read that the
latest RH edition has a more graphical, "friendlier" installer.

Are those of you running Linux doing so because of a natural technical
inclination that lead you there, or does it offer better (fewer time lags
and inconsistencies) control of I/O? I have heard running high level
languages under Windows to control output devices offes poor control
(unpredictable interrupts?)



Discussion Thread

Multi-Volti Devices 2000-01-18 23:37:48 UTC Linux possibly repeat question Ray Henry 2000-01-19 07:06:56 UTC Re: Linux possibly repeat question