CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by uhdie1
on 2002-07-13 05:37:29 UTC
Much to my surprise, as I was searching the trading post classifieds I
came across an advertisement for an almost working pick and place Robot.

I have been searching, researching, saving and buying some parts for
an xyyza table for 18 months. Now I am the proud owner of a six and a
half foot robot 20 years old with one arm.

Robot has a circular reach of 1.2 m by pirouetting at his base, 4
beefy stepping motors (4.2") giving him a pick up of 10kg, Carbon
fibre arms, a lift of maybe 100mm (not sure on that figure- basically
a xyyza machine.

I was after cad cam to assist with making architectural models, but ?
I'm wondering if there is some better business that I could put my
robot to? Something with an international client base would be good.
Robot should be very accurate too as it is scientific and industrial,
there seems to be little room for errors to creep in as the x y plane
is operated by pivot direct from the steppers. I will post a photo
when I get one

I'm also looking for someone here in Melbourne, Australia to help me
to upgrade the electronics and software.

Interesting hey! Any good business ideas would be very welcome

Discussion Thread

Bob Dring 2000-11-22 01:07:39 UTC Robot uhdie1 2002-07-13 05:37:29 UTC Robot John 2002-07-13 06:34:58 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Robot