CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Several topics

on 2000-01-20 04:31:24 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: Arne Chr.Jorgensen <instel@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2000 6:45 AM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Several topics

> The strange thing about all this, - is that I can't understand
> that nobody seems to know how to shutdown a win box over a
> network. I just can't imagine that such a tool is not used by
> administrators. What is needed is to launch a program on the
> winbox, and Hans's program should do the trick.
Our Network Administrator uses the PA system to ask people to shutdown their systems.

Windows would need a RPC (Remote Procedure Call) capbility, which it doesn't have.

We have simulated this in the past for certain applications by having a WinBatch script
continuously loop monitoring a shared directory looking for a certain file name to appear.
This triggers the desired action based on the filename. WinBatch is a seperate program
which is available as shareware, but you could also write the program in C or Visual Basic.
Taking it a step furthur, you could:
1. insert the monitor program into the startup menu so it gets run every time windows starts
2. Create an information file which a regular text editor could modify to give multiple
file names and actions. This would make it more general purpose.
3. Add a sleep time parameter to the info file.
One of the problems we noticed with this method was that each time the machine checked for
the presence of the file, the hard drive spun up for access. This gets annoying after a while.
Also, if you sleep too long between checks, the reponse time is long. If you don't sleep
long enough, it steals too much CPU time and performance is degraded.

Currently we are using a program called VNC which starts up a server on the remote system.
You can then use the viewer program to take over the system, or you can access it via a
web browser. This gives you access to the start menu, so you could do shutdowns. I think this was
a product of ATT or Olivetti. I probably still have a copy of the download somewhere. Yes, Its about 132kb.
There are different versions for the OS you want to use, this is for Windows NT.


> Does anybody know other uses of Hans's program ?
> file://ARNE

Discussion Thread

Arne Chr.Jorgensen 2000-01-20 03:45:01 UTC Several topics Marshall Pharoah 2000-01-20 04:31:24 UTC Re: Several topics