CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


Posted by Jon Elson
on 2002-09-08 20:59:21 UTC
terrytwombly wrote:

> Two EMC things tonight.
> I would like to add memory to the computer that is running EMC it now
> has 64k and I was thinking of buying one or two 128k SIMM. I remember
> reading some place that Linux would see the memory but I would have to
> change an EMC setting. In what file do I do that in and what number do
> I use 128k, or is it the number that counts out on boot up.

You probably don't have to do this, unless you are running a very old version
of EMC. Any of the BDI CDROMs should not need this.

If you are running the one based on Red Hat 5.2, then there is a line added to one
of the boot sections in the file /etc/lilo.conf, which reads


which means only use 63 megabytes for Linux, reserve the rest.
If you go to 128 Mb, change this line to 127m or so. For 192 Mb, use 190m

Execute LILO with the command


to install these changes into the boot files on the hard drive.

Then, you have to edit the appropriate xxx.ini file that is called by the file you use
to start EMC to have the correct address of this reserved memory area, in hexadecimal.

In the xxx.ini file, there should be lines such as


that refers to the memory area. 1F00000 is for 32 MB,
3F00000 is for 64 MB,
BF00000 is for 190 MB.

I'm pretty sure this applies only to old versions of EMC, and you don't have to do this anymore.

> I have put the encoder board in the computer set smdromod.o to work.
> Then I tried to start EMC and I get this message.
> Starting EMC motion program_ smdromod.o ? plat/rtline_3_0/
> lib/smdromod.o:ini
> Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters,
> including inva lid IO or IRQ parameter. Can?t install it. Sent a note
> to CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO ยท and to Ray and some one will come writing to
> the rescue. I would like to know how do I fix EMC, the computer, or
> the encoder board, so the all get along and WORK together

You need to check the hardware address of the DRO board, and make sure it matches the
specific line in the ini file that informs EMC of this address. You also need to make sure
that no other device is interfering with the DRO board. Reading the pseudofile /proc/ioports
will show all the known I/O addresses that are being used by something within Linux.
You should also check the file /var/log/messages (use tail to just see the last few of them).
Many of the EMC kernel modules write error messages and other diagnostic info there.


Discussion Thread

terrytwombly 2002-09-08 18:26:44 UTC MORE EMC SET UP ??? Jon Elson 2002-09-08 20:59:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] MORE EMC SET UP ???