CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Digest Number 331

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 2000-01-29 03:29:13 UTC
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2000 23:01:39 EST
From: MIADsgns@...
Subject: Re: [OT]Andrew Werby Were are you?

Anyone know where Ic can get a hold of Andrew Werby?
Many Thanks,


[I'm still around, my CNC stuff is at and
art stuff is at . On the latter page, in the
Techniques of Jewelry section, Peter Rowe explains how to use liver of
sulphur (sulphurated potash) to achieve a black patina on silver- brass
works the same way. It's your least toxic alternative. Birchwood Casey's
premixed patinas work too, especially if you have a small immersible item
to blacken. I'd recommend their Antique Black for brass. Patination is a
fairly involved process, with a lot of variables and precautions necessary
- if you're going to get into it, get a book on the subject, like
Contemporary Patination (reviewed in my Online Bookstore). I don't know
that much about anodizing aluminum- I think it's something that's best
jobbed out- but here's a source of some how-to info on the subject: . Generally, this group is supposed to be dedicated
to CNC -related issues; if you want to talk about this sort of thing, try
alt.sculpture, on the usenet.]

Andrew Werby

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Patrick Huss 2000-01-29 06:55:18 UTC Re: Digest Number 331 Andrew Werby 2000-01-29 03:29:13 UTC Re: Digest Number 331