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Re: Acad for 3D

Posted by alex0young
on 2002-09-22 04:48:35 UTC
J <jaredts@y...> wrote:
> I am sure it is possible to model somehow in regular Autocad, but
mechanical Desktop or Inventor would sure help you out. This would
be pretty easy in a surface modeling package rather than solids. I
think extruding along a path is a good start point. Maybe try a
different cross section than a circle, though (ellipse maybe?).

"Lloyd Leung" <lloyd@l...>

Lookup the following terms in help
Edgesurf, tabsurf, rulesurf.
Those should help you get started.
Pleas keep in mind, that these will not be solids. But they should
provide enough information to be machined.


Did the seat by extruding a slice of a circle along a path, then
subtract unwanted part. Seat looked reasonably presentable, but not
wholely satisfactory. Had tried to extrude along a 3D path, but it
wouldn't work. Only succeeded when I changed it to a 2D path.

However, met another problem when trying to model the legs (turning)
by drawing a profile consisting of straight lines and arcs, plus
fillet. Successfully turned it into a region, but when I tried to
revolve it into a solid, no luck. Couldn't even get to the stage of
specifying the axis of revolution. Any suggestion as to what may be
the problem. Cannot be unconnected lines because the profile could be
turned into a region.



> alex0young wrote:Hi,
> Anyone have any hints as to how to draw a chair seat 3D using
> where the chair seat like a country chair, is not flat, but has
> depression to fit our bottom, something like the 2 photos I just
> uploaded into the photos section
> &.dir=/&.src=gr&.begin=33&.view=t&.order=&.done=http%
> 3a//
> 26.src=gr%26.view=t
> which I named temporary1 and temporary2. They are photo. no 47 and
> 48, the last 2.
> I have thought of perhaps extruding a circular disc along a path,
> then use the bottom section to subtract from a flat box, but the
> curve will still not fit our nice bottom.

Discussion Thread

alex0young 2002-09-18 02:46:34 UTC Acad for 3D alex0young 2002-09-18 02:46:50 UTC Acad for 3D J 2002-09-18 06:07:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Acad for 3D Lloyd Leung 2002-09-18 08:55:14 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Acad for 3D alex0young 2002-09-22 04:48:35 UTC Re: Acad for 3D