CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: How does G02 & G03 work?

Posted by Darrell
on 2000-02-02 14:04:43 UTC
You should specify what control. This looks like Bridgeport code which uses
unsigned incremental I,J & K. Fanuc uses signed incremental. Bridgeport also
used absolute I, J, & Ks on some of their machines.

----- Original Message -----
From: Jon Elson <jmelson@...>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 02, 2000 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] How does G02 & G03 work?

> From: Jon Elson <jmelson@...>
> Clint Bach wrote:
> > From: Clint Bach <clintbach@...>
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I need help understanding the G02 and G03 commands. I don't
> > understand
> > the I, J K thing and the rest of the things about it. The references
> > I
> > have on those commands devote about a paragraph and don't give me a
> > complete picture of how to use them.
> The information needed to compute a circular arc path are the starting
> position, radius and
> end position (at least the number of degrees to move through the arc).
> One way to specify
> this with minimal information is to say the arc starts at the current
> position, ends at the position
> specified by the new coordinates, and the radius is defined as being so
> far from the start position.
> In the XY plane, lets say you have a counterclockwise arc that goes from
> (2,2) to (1,3), and
> has a radius of 1. the program would look like this :
> N100 G17 G01 X2 Y2
> N110 G03 X1 Y3 I1
> What the I word means is that the center of the arc is 1 unit from X
> (IJK are the radius
> offsets for XYZ, respectively). Note that algebraically, the offset for
> the center is -1.
> But, in this scheme, the direction to the center is known by the
> starting and ending
> coordinates, and so you don't need to specify the sign. So, the sign
> has been co-opted
> to mean how far. If the arc is less than or equal to 180 degrees, use a
> positive sign
> for the IJK value. If more than 180 degrees, use a negative sign.
> Some controls allow an R word to give the radius directly, instead of
> specifying
> its offset from the beginning coordinate. If you use these, don't use
> the IJK words.
> In the above example, G17 selects the XY plane. G03 is for CCW arcs,
> G02
> for CW arcs. Any IJK word that is zero can be omitted.
> Jon
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Discussion Thread

Clint Bach 2000-02-02 11:44:54 UTC How does G02 & G03 work? Darrell 2000-02-02 13:11:32 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-02 14:03:49 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Darrell 2000-02-02 14:04:43 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-02 15:39:04 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-07 22:33:55 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Darrell 2000-02-08 00:31:29 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Fred Smith 2000-02-08 06:16:57 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-08 12:49:47 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Ray Henry 2000-02-09 09:17:12 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Darrell 2000-02-09 12:59:31 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Fred Smith 2000-02-09 13:41:58 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-09 15:53:59 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Jon Elson 2000-02-09 22:30:14 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work?