CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: EHP Tiny Tiger

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2000-02-03 09:20:15 UTC

This message is snipped all over the place.

>Message: 14 (Digest Number 341)
> Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2000 21:28:07 -0500
> From: Ron Ginger <ginger@...>
>Subject: Re: EHP External Hardware Proposal
>First, will a few of you PLEASE, PLEASE stop including every part of a
>message in your reply. The use of quoting to establish a reference is
>very good ...

I'll drink to that!

>I have alread done this with a Tiny Tiger micro. I(t) uses a very ascii

read basic programming language

>like command set, and does the bresenhans algorithym in the micro. I
>send it a command like
>G 100 100 200
>and it moves the x motor 100 steps, the Y 100 and Z 200, in a
>coordinated move, with appropriate ramping and timing. So far I have the
>timing compiled into the micro, but it would be a simple matter to send
>some init commands to set various parameters.

TT = Tiny Tiger = < >
TT in the USA = < > TT list is here
TT in AU = < >

TT programs in compiled basic so many of us can do it.
TT allows for multitasking and the assignment of priroities to tasks.
TT now has a quadrature encoder reader driver
TT has direct analog in if you want to include amp draw
TT has two pwm outs, drive stepper phase power amps, or dc
TT has configurable DIO for stuff like home, limit, enable

But then that's a TT for each motor. Not to far from what Hans has been
talking about with pics or stamps. A bit more money though.

So how do you get each axis to talk to each other. Folk on the tiger list
are prototyping CAN bus stuff to directly share memory between TTs. The
advantage here is that TT's use a high enough level of compiled programming
that we could create an open source project rather than the proprietary
code that some want. (You'd still have to buy a wilke compiler to change
the code, or exchange tigers with someone who does this)

Put all this together and you have something that would work like the
stuff used by many controls companies now. And you could talk to it using
R(recommended) S(standard) 232. Program it and you have a hardware
version of the emc motion control stuff.

Set up a pc with the guts of the interpreter from emc (six axis soon) and
compilable for most any current os. NIST will even tell you how to add
commands -- R(recommended) S(standard) 274 be damned -- to it. You'd
have to modify the cannonical functions file for the emc interpreter to
talk to your pile of TT's. Then at least you'd have a somewhat supported
and evolving nc code interpreter.

TclTk is available to download for mswin, mac, linux, and all the sun stuff.
The TkEmc HMI runs under TclTk and uses a multiplatform compilable shell
file called emcsh. Together they make a pretty good gui that is rather easily
edited and already talks to the emc interpreter.

I have no vested interest in any of the products advertised above!



BTW IMO Nobody strictly adheres to the Recommended Standards when it is
in the interest of their pocketbook not to. Altruism is a sociobiological
construct only.

Discussion Thread

Ray Henry 2000-02-03 09:20:15 UTC Re: EHP Tiny Tiger