CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work?

Posted by Darrell
on 2000-02-07 18:27:03 UTC
> From: beer@...
> For example, why are I and J not SIGNED values ? How can the sign be
> "inferred" by the program ? Because there is only one pair of values
> ( out of the four possible signed values ++, +-, -+, -- ) that, coupled
> with the current position and an endpoint, could possibly describe a
> section of a circle.
Not wanting to cause any confusion but betweentwo points you could have two
arc centers for any given I, J combination. One example would be two lines
at 90 degrees to each other forming a square corner. Now filett that corner
with a .5" radius. Assuming that the corner was at X0Y0 and the X and Y
lines extended in the negative direction and the arc was clockwise from X to
Y you would have an I0 and J.5. EMC would cut what you want but a FANUC
would use the J+.5 to cut an arc of 270 degrees with both ends of the arc 90
degrees to the two lines.
I, J and K are very control dependant.

Discussion Thread

beer@s... 2000-02-07 10:49:23 UTC Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Darrell 2000-02-07 18:27:03 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work? Ray Henry 2000-02-10 06:43:58 UTC Re: Re: How does G02 & G03 work?