CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Correction to previous offer of 20 vac 7 ADC xfmrs

on 2000-02-07 22:01:12 UTC
I have two sources of data for my excess of transformers...a computer
printout parts master list, and some old engineering drawings.

It's much easier to scan the printout than dig for a drawing, but on more
than one occasion a non-technical secretary or data entry person transposed
A and mA, and ac vs. DC ratings.

In this case, upon inspecting the actual drawing (which I DO trust), I note
that 20 V 7A were both DC parameters...It's 20 VDC @ 7 ADC.

Interestingly, they are rated for either 50 or 60 Hz, and have
100-120-200-240 primary wiring. therefore one could apply 120 V 60 Hz to the
100 V, 50 Hz-tolerant primary and get 20% more voltage without exceeding
normal ratings (flux density is the same for both circumstances)...24
VDC...maybe to be a purist one should reduce the secondary current rating by
5/6 to not change the VA load. 7*5/6 = 5.83 A


Discussion Thread

Multi-Volti Devices 2000-02-07 22:01:12 UTC Correction to previous offer of 20 vac 7 ADC xfmrs