CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need help on my new toy (Bridgeport Milling Machine)

Posted by Jon Elson
on 2003-01-07 22:47:23 UTC
washcomp wrote:

>I have just aquired a Bridgeport. It has what look like servos on
>the XYZ axis. Someone spent a bunch of time cutting cables and
>hydraulic lines (I assume to one day turn it into a manual machine ;
>( )
>The table is labled with "Position Wizard Model 600 by Spindle
>Wizard". It came with a large blue CN box called the "AutoNumerics
>Positool 900" which has a tape drive and assorted X & Y dials and a
>verticle control built into it. I am reasonably certain that I can
>re-hook all the cables properly (the hydraulic hose is still a
>mistery although there is a control box with what looks like a dual
>jar oil filter of some sort). Naturally, there is no documentation on
>anything. Does anyone have a clue where to begin to salvage as much
>of the original control electronics as possible and interface a PC to
>this stuff?
You'd better find out what sort of a control this is before expending
much effort on reconnecting
the control. If it is a VERY old, tape-NC control, it will be woefully
limited. If it is a slightly
newer, early CNC control, without CRT display, it will probably also be
very hard to use, as you
are almost blind as to what is happening all the time.

The jars are most likely for an auto-lube system, or possibly an air
mist coolant system.

Interfacing a PC to the tape reader is doable, I did it for my
Allen-Bradley 7320 control,
but eventually replaced the whole control with a PC. The 7320 was just
too slow, limited,
and unreliable to keep it going.


Discussion Thread

washcomp <jeff@w... 2003-01-07 12:14:32 UTC Need help on my new toy (Bridgeport Milling Machine) Jon Elson 2003-01-07 22:47:23 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need help on my new toy (Bridgeport Milling Machine)