CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Need G Code help

on 2003-02-14 05:59:21 UTC
I have not programmed for EMC, mostly I write programs for Mits. and Fanuc =
controls so this is a guess.
First off does EMC use type 1 or type 2 offsets? With type 1 there is only=
a single value per offset number so on a machine with a 20 tool changer we =
normally use offsets 1-20 for tool length and 21-40 for radius comp. Type 2=
each offset number actually a line in a table with values for tool length, =
length wear, radius, and radius wear.
I assume there is more to the program since you do not have a G43 line to t=
urn on length comp. That should not affect your question. Make sure that i=
t is using the correct values for radius comp, and that the wear value is ze=
ro if there is one. I normally do this by running with the cutter raised ab=
ove the part, single step on, and feedrate over ride turn down so I can watc=
h the distance to go display as each program line is processed.

Second what is the line after the G3 line? That could have some affect on =
how the G3 is handled.

The cut by the line "G1 X8.9 Y3.25" is not tangent to the arc in the line "=
G3 X8.15 Y2.5 R.75" so EMC may be complaining about not being able to clean =
up the corner.

When you program a R-.75 you are telling it that the radius is greater then=
180° which would result in a sharp corner going into the radius which makes=
me think it is complaining about not cleaning up the corner when R.75 is us=

Good luck,

--- In, EdFanta <atex57@u...> wrote:
> Got the mill up and running and have been getting used to EMC. The main
> reason for going to EMC was the cutter comp with G41 G42, that way I
> don't have to rewrite the code when I sharpen an endmill. Now I want to
> mill a pocket with radiused corners, the following is a bit of the code
> I have written along with the problems. I hope the formatting comes
> through.
> %
> m6t1 tool 1 is a 1/2 endmill
> g0x10y1 this is a starting hole already drilled
> g1z-.25
> g41d1y2
> g1x8.9y3.25
> g3x8.15y2.5r.75 an error comes up "concave corner with cutter radius
> comp"
> If I change the r.75 to r-.75 it will go with out a quibble but the back
> plot shows a loop instead of a radius.
> Any help appreciated, if you can point out my backwards thinking and
> explain the problem it would be a BIG help. TIA. Ed.

Discussion Thread

EdFanta 2003-02-13 18:06:33 UTC Need G Code help Jeff Fisher 2003-02-14 02:13:37 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Need G Code help torsten98001 <torsten@g... 2003-02-14 03:14:17 UTC Re: Need G Code help Andre' Blanchard <andre_54005@y... 2003-02-14 05:59:21 UTC Re: Need G Code help Ray Henry 2003-02-14 07:35:50 UTC Re: Need G Code help Jon Elson 2003-02-14 09:11:26 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need G Code help Jon Elson 2003-02-14 09:28:50 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need G Code help EdFanta 2003-02-14 14:45:41 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need G Code help Ray Henry 2003-02-15 11:58:05 UTC Re: Re: Re: Need G Code help Raymond Heckert 2003-02-16 17:22:21 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Need G Code help