CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

4700uF 100V capacitor

on 2003-02-18 09:08:03 UTC
Where can I find the 4700uF 100V capacitors used by the g210's. I
have looked everywhere on the net but no one seems to sell them.

Discussion Thread

fast25hydro <bbirling@e... 2003-02-18 09:08:03 UTC 4700uF 100V capacitor Lee Studley <indigo_red@q... 2003-02-18 09:10:17 UTC Re: 4700uF 100V capacitor Mike Gann 2003-02-18 09:11:41 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4700uF 100V capacitor Jon Elson 2003-02-18 10:03:29 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4700uF 100V capacitor Mariss Freimanis <mariss92705@y... 2003-02-18 10:12:49 UTC Re: 4700uF 100V capacitor Louis Raymond 2003-02-18 11:21:20 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] 4700uF 100V capacitor fast25hydro <bbirling@e... 2003-02-18 11:22:52 UTC Re: 4700uF 100V capacitor