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cnc lathe work on a mill?

on 2003-02-26 12:11:09 UTC
Morning all!,
I have a 4 axis mill with horizontal and vertical spindles (see
centec photos). I was thinking I could use the horizontal spindle
with a collet or small chuck on it and then use the mill in Lathe
mode . Anyone tried this or got any thoughts on it, it would save me
setting up the lathe with cnc. I know it would be limited in travel
as the "Y" becomes the "X" and vice versa. Well? Watta ya think
thoughts appreciated

Discussion Thread

markpowerplus <mabw@b... 2003-02-26 12:11:09 UTC cnc lathe work on a mill? John Myjak <myjakjs@a... 2003-02-26 16:36:40 UTC Re: cnc lathe work on a mill?