CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Lookin' for baffles

Posted by caudlet
on 2003-03-07 20:06:36 UTC
Anybody know a low cost source for way covers (baffles). I need two
that go from 6" to a little over 4'. I found a couple of places on
the web but the pricing seems pretty steep. Two 4' baffles would run
about 270 bucks...ouch! One thing they had neat was baffle type
covers for ballscrews that accordian up and protect the screws. They
were pricey too. Anybody have any ideas on using conventional
materials like the folding cloth window shades?

This is for my CNC router (better say something with CNC in it so it
won't be judged OT!)

Any help is appreciated.

Discussion Thread

caudlet 2003-03-07 20:06:36 UTC Lookin' for baffles Myron Cherry 2003-03-08 01:56:19 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Lookin' for baffles caudlet 2003-03-08 06:15:54 UTC Re: Lookin' for baffles echnidna 2003-03-09 17:07:35 UTC Re: Lookin' for baffles