CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Newbie cad/cam?

Posted by monty60475
on 2003-03-15 13:55:10 UTC
So far I have built a plasma table, controll box, and I am useing
Mach1. Now that I have my table completed and runnning I am now
working(learning) on how to get my dxf files to g-code. For cad I
have Autocad2000 and Coraldraw8. I have been tring to us flashcut for
cam. For those of you with simular plasma set ups using mach1, could
you give me some insite on what your using for cad/cam process. This
is all new to me and any suggestion in direction at this stage would
very help full.

Discussion Thread

monty60475 2003-03-15 13:55:10 UTC Newbie cad/cam?