CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

visualmill free expired

Posted by got_milk_eh
on 2003-03-19 13:57:36 UTC
Hi, I downloaded the visual mill free version 3 in mid-january. I
tried it out twice and was impressed, but didn't get much of a
chance to go over its features in detail. Now when I start it up,
it says I have to re-register on the mecsoft website as it has
expired. But the mecsoft site has nothing about re-registering it,
or even downloading the free edition. Has this whole program

Discussion Thread

got_milk_eh 2003-03-19 13:57:36 UTC visualmill free expired Tim Goldstein 2003-03-19 15:56:10 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] visualmill free expired Randy Gordon-Gilmore 2003-03-19 18:03:24 UTC Re: visualmill free expired