CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Visual Mill 3.0

Posted by Keith Sloan
on 2003-03-24 09:18:23 UTC
>> Message: 10
>> Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 08:56:18 -0700
>> From: "Tim Goldstein" <timg@...>
>> Subject: RE: Post Processor for Visual Mill 3.0

>> I think you will find that the Visual Mill Free product has expired. I
>> talked to the people at Mecsoft last week and they plan to make some
>> changes to the free version and re-issue it as more of a wizard driven
>> product.

>> Tim
>> [Denver, CO]
>> Sherline products at Deep Discount
>> Mach1 & DeskCNC with credit card ordering
>> Now selling Visual Mill 4.0 Special at $1200

Their web site states valid till 10th April. Mine still worked the other day.
The reason I wanted to know postprocessor info. Is I want to generate the
G-Code before the licence expires ;-) still to finish router.



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Discussion Thread

Keith Sloan 2003-03-24 09:18:23 UTC Visual Mill 3.0 Tim Goldstein 2003-03-24 09:52:51 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Visual Mill 3.0