CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 3043

Posted by Ray Henry
on 2003-04-06 07:17:05 UTC

Since you're working in autocad, you might take a look at

I've had a few discussions with its author and concluded that it's a good way
to write g-code within the autocad environment. His page says,

"Tahl Inc. is proud to offer TahlCAM for sale at $499. Try our free fully
functional download that posts up to 500 lines G-Code."

I've not tried the product, nor do I have any relationship with the company.


On Sunday 06 April 2003 07:33 am, you wrote:
> Message: 14
>    Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 03:51:00 -0000
>    From: "Brian Sherwood" <lurch@...>
> Subject: code generation?
> Hi again to all--
> Been playing wiht a couple demo software packages while waiting for my
> CNC mill to arrive...all I can say is ouch!...
> Well, ok...I got my layout for the first piece saved as a AutoCAD .dwg
> [and also as a .dxf]'s milling a design into the face of the
> workpiece, all one depth, basically 2-D work.  The AutoCAD is all
> linework, no more.  
> Tried the SuperCam splits the drawing into two parts and
> blows one of the two parts up to about 8 times the size of the rest.
> Tried the DeskCNC only allows me to select the two parts
> that SuperCAM blows up.
> Tried the AutoCode seems to do exactly what I want,
> painlessly...but the demo version won't allow me to save anything and
> the bought version is $2500!!!
> Back to AutoCAD for Dummies...
> I;m open to suggestions...actually, I'm kind of overloaded and don';t
> know where to start asking questions...I'm self-taught to a fairly
> 'power-user' level on Word and Excel and the like...but I'm feeling
> that's a real handicap here...
> Thanks in advance.
> Lurch

Discussion Thread

Ray Henry 2003-04-06 07:17:05 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 3043