CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

US Digital Linear encoder strips

Posted by sikn1gh7
on 2003-04-13 09:43:26 UTC

I too have been thinking about getting the US Digital linear
enocder strips and mounting them to a TAIG mill that I'm scheduled to
take delivery of in 8 weeks (8 long weeks, can't wait!) :-). My only
problem with those encoders, is that the highest resolution strip
they offer does 360 lines per inch, which in quadrature I understand
would me 1440 ticks per inch. I *would* like to be able to get to
0.0005" resolution, since I'll be driving a 20 TPI screw with
microstepping stepper motors. Does anyone know of a source of mylar
strips that goes that high up in resolution?

I already have the Mauch-Kulaga encoder board, so I would rather
stick with encoders that the board can talk to. Besides, glass
slides seems awfully expensive.

Thanks in advance!

-=- Terence

Discussion Thread

sikn1gh7 2003-04-13 09:43:26 UTC US Digital Linear encoder strips