Re: cad to gcode and arcs
Posted by
on 2003-04-26 07:52:25 UTC
--- In, "Chris Brick" <cbrick@t...>
bezier curves created in your CAD or illustration program and breaks
them into hundreds or even thousands of tiny line segments to make a
curve. Most CAM programs deal with what they are given and don't try
to change the line segments back into curves. Even if the post
processor for the CAM program will do G02 and G03's it never gets the
If you do your designs in a package that is integrated with a CAM
program (i.e. the CAM program will read the native CAD file format
that is stores its own files in) there is a possibility that true
curves are preserved. If you have a CAM program that will read the
native Autocad format (DWG ?) AND has a post processor that does G2
G3 then you are home free. Lastly there is one format for file xfr
that supports curves and that is EPS (encapsulated postscript). Most
CAM programs do not support EPS imports. Some of the more artsy ones
do (ArtCAM and SignLab to name two). There may be other solutions
like designing in Rhino3D and using STL or one of the other 3D file
formats to import into something like Dolphin or Visual Mill. Others
can answer this question.
The final thing I can offer is that several CAM programs will allow
you to deal with vector objects and change them so you can group
select a bunch of line segments, convert to curves, then edit and
delete all of the interpoints between cusps (where a curve has to
change direction). The ones I know about will let you import EPS so
it's a moot point!
Check with Fred Smith at IM Service and Bob Campbell at Campbell
Designs (both monitor this list) and get their advice. BTW even
ArtCam ($$$$) versions prior to 5.510 would import EPS, but their
post processor spit out G code with lots of tiny line segments for
curves. SignLab will do G2 G3 posts if you import files with curve
information intact.
> I got my plasma table up and running last night.gcode for letters and
> I've been testing out some of the CAD/CAM packages for generating
> other intricate shapes. I've noticed that when I create circlesand arcs in autocad and
> then import them into CamExpert, the resulting gcode is many G01moves as opposed to G02
> or G03. Circles created directly in CamExpert become G02 or arc/circle from
> My question is, are there any packages that can do this conversion
> autocad or other drawings and which one would you recommend?There in lies the dilemma of DXF. The format, on export, takes nice
> Thanks,
> Chris
bezier curves created in your CAD or illustration program and breaks
them into hundreds or even thousands of tiny line segments to make a
curve. Most CAM programs deal with what they are given and don't try
to change the line segments back into curves. Even if the post
processor for the CAM program will do G02 and G03's it never gets the
If you do your designs in a package that is integrated with a CAM
program (i.e. the CAM program will read the native CAD file format
that is stores its own files in) there is a possibility that true
curves are preserved. If you have a CAM program that will read the
native Autocad format (DWG ?) AND has a post processor that does G2
G3 then you are home free. Lastly there is one format for file xfr
that supports curves and that is EPS (encapsulated postscript). Most
CAM programs do not support EPS imports. Some of the more artsy ones
do (ArtCAM and SignLab to name two). There may be other solutions
like designing in Rhino3D and using STL or one of the other 3D file
formats to import into something like Dolphin or Visual Mill. Others
can answer this question.
The final thing I can offer is that several CAM programs will allow
you to deal with vector objects and change them so you can group
select a bunch of line segments, convert to curves, then edit and
delete all of the interpoints between cusps (where a curve has to
change direction). The ones I know about will let you import EPS so
it's a moot point!
Check with Fred Smith at IM Service and Bob Campbell at Campbell
Designs (both monitor this list) and get their advice. BTW even
ArtCam ($$$$) versions prior to 5.510 would import EPS, but their
post processor spit out G code with lots of tiny line segments for
curves. SignLab will do G2 G3 posts if you import files with curve
information intact.
Discussion Thread
Chris Brick
2003-04-26 07:22:39 UTC
cad to gcode and arcs
2003-04-26 07:52:25 UTC
Re: cad to gcode and arcs
2003-04-26 10:48:28 UTC
Re: cad to gcode and arcs
David Paulson
2003-04-26 16:42:13 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] cad to gcode and arcs
2003-04-26 17:14:48 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] cad to gcode and arcs
Fred Smith
2003-04-26 19:39:50 UTC
Re: cad to gcode and arcs
Chris Brick
2003-04-26 22:15:17 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: cad to gcode and arcs
Jeff Goldberg
2003-04-27 13:55:55 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] cad to gcode and arcs