CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Noob alert, or run while you still can. :)

Posted by Albert Noah
on 2003-05-09 14:53:18 UTC
Hi guys,

Just found this group and have read until my eyes hurt. I love it!

I worked in a woodshop that had 3 CNC Routers for a little over 5 years and now that I work at a metal fab shop I want to build my own cnc router.

I have some questions if you don't mind!

I plan to use the following software:

Generic Cadd from Corel. I love this CAD program and it can save standard DXF files.

ACE Converter: To convert the DXF files to GCode

TurboNC to drive the NC

I have already designed my frame and gantry and now I need to get on with the electronics. I plan to use threaded rod to drive the X and Y axis. Is the acceptable? (Speed is not a critical issue for me)

I am a experienced electronics builder and I want to build my own driver boards. Are their any reliable schematics/Board file projects/plans that are compatible with TurboNC? If so, could you please post a link.

I plan to hit a local printer repair shop to see if I can get some motors from some old HP LaserJet 3's. If I am not successful there does anyone know of a reasonably priced source for these motors?

And last but not least (for now anyway) what would the specs be for a good powersupply to drive this unit?

Thanks for all your time and I hope to share a success story with you soon. :)


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Discussion Thread

Albert Noah 2003-05-09 14:53:18 UTC Noob alert, or run while you still can. :) Chris L 2003-05-09 15:10:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Noob alert, or run while you still can. :) Harvey White 2003-05-09 19:10:36 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Noob alert, or run while you still can. :)