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RE: (CIM) Wood Block Workcell

Posted by tkosan
on 2003-06-04 22:44:03 UTC

>Well, I remain interested to know more. As I shared, I
>wanted to build a system that would use a robot arm to
>remove a 2" wooden cube from a stack feeder and then
>present it to a Sherline Mill for various operations.

After thinking about your block idea for a bit I have concluded that
it would be an excellent theme around which to build a description of
what a Home Shop CIM system might look like. I will try to put
together a rough "Block CIM System" white paper by late this weekend
which might better illustrate these ideas.

>I am interested. Not sure if this remains within CCED or
>if we need a new group. In general, it would seem that
>building your own CNC Cell is not a stretch from building
>your own CNC machine. There may be others who want to follow
>along too.

As it turns out, I am a member of an open source group called the
Embedlets project ( and our group is in the process of
developing the software infrastructure needed to support ideas like
Home Shop CIM.

So, the initial software foundation is already in the works and the
type of people I am hoping to find on this list are people who are in
a position to come up with CNC related use-scenarios that would
leverage these technologies, beta test them and then adopt and use them.

If enough people here are interested in pursuing something like this
we can either start a more focused Yahoo group dedicated to it or add
a CIM developer's email list to the Embedlets sourceforge site.

>could any of your JAVA apps be made to run on a 386 Embedded
>PC? I have many of the SingleBoard computers, with serial,
>parallel, 48 bits of I/O and Relay Cards.

Yes, Java could probably be made to run on these SBCs but to be honest
with you I think that you would be better off selling them on EBay and
moving into these new TStiks ( TStiks are a
second source version of the Dallas Semiconductor TINIs
( and they are due to be released within the
month. They should cost about $110 and they have the following

- Ethernet.
- CAN.
- Multiple serial ports.
- SPI.
- 1-Wire.
- I2C.
- 512K and 1MB versions.
- Operations System: Java.
- Size: about as large as a SIMM memory stik.

With these units a person just plugs them into an ethernet network,
telnets into them in order to upload programs using ftp. It is very
easy to program these to do things like become their own mini web
server that can be hung on the internet and then accessed from
anywhere in the world using a standard web browser or cell phone.
That they are capable of things like this considering their small size
and low cost is amazing...

After having looked at your website (nice website BTW!) I think that
you would be able to make a lot more money on these Java based TStik
SBCs than you would with traditional SBCs.

>Perhaps we can work on this... If you have an interest and
>would commit to help me get one working, I would be willing
>to trade you a board so that we have the same setup. Then,
>we can explore the robot idea. Let me know what you think.

Tell you what, I have this free 12 week online Java/TINI beginner's
course that I am in the process of updating for the TStik:

If you take the course when it becomes available (hopefully within a
month or so) I will help design and build all of the hardware and
software needed to create the wood block workcell that you have been
describing as long as the software and hardware designs will be open

What do you think about my counter proposal?


Discussion Thread

tkosan 2003-06-04 22:44:03 UTC RE: (CIM) Wood Block Workcell