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Re: How do I interface the geckos drivers.

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 2003-06-06 10:20:42 UTC
Message: 11
Date: Fri, 06 Jun 2003 01:35:52 -0000
From: "Hector" <hector_a_quintanilla@...>
Subject: Re: Need xyz driver board kit...How do I interface the geckos

I need to know which gecko driver can drive te sanyo-DEnki H Series,
teh model I mentioned earlier. And I'm not an expert, I just
starting so If I understand correct the geckos are single axis
controllers, so I will need three, one for each axis x,y,and z. So
with what kind of interface do I send signals to each separate
driver? I want to send signals through the parallel port on my
computer, from there to a interface that controls each axis.
HEctor Quintanilla

[You would want the Gecko 201 drives for this. You're correct; you'd need
three. A "parallel port breakout board" would be helpful, as was suggested.
Some other capacitors and resistors may be required as well; the resistors
to limit the current to the level required by your motor and the capacitors
in case your power supply is more than a foot away. Some fuses might help
too, as well as limit switch and E-stop circuitry.

You also need a step/direction controller program. TurboCNC is the cheapest,
if you don't want to get into Linux and run EMC. CNCPro will work too, but
costs more.

I'm wondering why you chose the 7.2V 2amp motor instead of the 3.6V 4amp
version. If you're using Geckos, which want to run at about 20 times
nameplate voltage, they would probably be happiest if given 72 volts (20 *
3.6). At 144volts (7.2 * 20), they would burn up: 80volts is the recommended
maximum for these drives.]

Andrew Werby

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 2003-06-06 10:20:42 UTC Re: How do I interface the geckos drivers. Hector 2003-06-06 17:21:23 UTC Re: How do I interface the geckos drivers.