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CNC help wanted in CT

on 2003-09-05 13:06:48 UTC
I have a friend who just bought a Thermwood CNC router off of ebay, item
#2556252072 Supposedly it needs a new control, but possibly not. Anyway he
is a CNC guy, but NOT an electrical guy and was going to use an Ajax CNC kit
to replace the control. The machine has 100VDC brush motors and analog servo
amps. I explained to him his options about not buying the $5000.00 Ajax
control and either replacing the amps with Geckos or Rutex or using EMC with
Jon Elson's setup to retrofit his analog amps. He is willing to pay for
someone to help him set up his machine with a PC based control. If anyone is
in the Hartford Connecticut area and would like to help him out, you can
make a few dollars. This is going to be a hobby machine in his garage, not a
business. I would do it, but I'm in Raleigh, NC. If you are interested,
email me offline at wscalione AT nc DOT rr DOT com


Discussion Thread

William Scalione 2003-09-05 13:06:48 UTC CNC help wanted in CT