CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Dumb question on TTL control of a relay from parallel port

on 2003-09-09 07:23:43 UTC
You can use a transistor and clamping diode, or if you need multiple
outputs with this capability you can take a look at the ULN2003.

Parallax shows how to use the ULN2003 in the documentation available
on their website.


--- In, "washcomp" <jeff@w...> wrote:
> I've got a parallel breakout board giving opto-isolated TTL level 5
> volts. I'd like to control a relay for my mist coolant. I can get
> 5 volt relay (typical coil current 30-60 ma), but I seem to
> that TTL level isn't designed for the required current (?).
> If the above current is too high, is it best to try to find a
> miniature reed relay to control the coil of the "power relay" or is
> there a better way?
> Clueless in New York,
> Jeff

Discussion Thread

washcomp 2003-09-09 06:23:57 UTC Dumb question on TTL control of a relay from parallel port Antonius J.M. Groothuizen 2003-09-09 07:23:43 UTC Re: Dumb question on TTL control of a relay from parallel port Jeff Goldberg 2003-09-09 12:16:19 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Dumb question on TTL control of a relay from parallel port