CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Slight Servo Problem

Posted by mmurray701
on 2003-10-21 18:15:41 UTC
> No. He has the standard 500 cycle encoders, which provide 2000
> in quadrature. So, that would be 360/2000 = .18 degree per count.
> Very interesting that you see such a difference. What motors are
> you using?
The Ametek motors have high resistance, and that makes
> me think they may have very high inductance, too! It may be that
> motor inductance is so high that it kills the control laws built
into the
> gecko drive, and the rapidly oscillating motor current acts to
> the integral windup that is supposed to happen.
> Do you have external capacitors connected right at the Gecko power
> input terminals? I put one on my client's system, and it seemed to
> improve the stability and stiffness, but I didn't have much time to
> investigate before the cap blew up (I had it wired backwards).
> Jon

I'm using Electrocraft E543 motors. They have a resistance of about
1.6 ohms which is much lower than the ametek if I remember correct.
I'm sure the ameteks do have a very high inductance, but I dont know
enough about electronics to know if that would cause a problem. My
encoders are 250cpr or 1000 pulses. Maybe a little to me is alot to
you, but they do seem very stiff. I guess the resistance/inductance
could cause it.

I'm not using a cap across the terminals, but the drives are very
close (maybe 12-14") to the supply which has 8, 100v 4700uf caps in


Discussion Thread

mmurray701 2003-10-19 23:08:25 UTC Slight Servo Problem Jon Elson 2003-10-20 10:11:11 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Slight Servo Problem mmurray701 2003-10-20 11:04:03 UTC Re: Slight Servo Problem Dan Mauch 2003-10-20 12:10:46 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Slight Servo Problem Jon Elson 2003-10-20 23:03:18 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Slight Servo Problem mmurray701 2003-10-21 04:20:43 UTC Re: Slight Servo Problem Jon Elson 2003-10-21 10:40:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Slight Servo Problem mmurray701 2003-10-21 18:15:41 UTC Re: Slight Servo Problem Mariss Freimanis 2003-10-21 19:58:05 UTC Re: Slight Servo Problem