Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 441
Posted by
William Scalione
on 2000-04-07 19:59:51 UTC
Patrick Huss wrote:
1/2 round engraving bit through it a few times. Seems to cut
pretty easy from the little I have seen so far. I have no idea
as to what type of marble this is, or if it is even marble at
all. It is a floor tile, not ceramic, but some kind of stone.
I got a couple of very small chips in a couple of spots,
but you can hardly see them. I need to get a different size
tool, Monday, so I will let you know the results then.
Patrick, since you have done this before, how are the machined
areas polished when you're finished cutting?
>Well, I put the marble tile on my machine and ran a carbide
> Message: 20
> Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 18:44:28 EDT
> From: Lngknife29@...
> Subject: Re: marble and granite
> most marble is the same hardness as quartz--that is if it hasnt weathered
> too
> badly-
> and thats a little harder than glass
> I don't want to start a flame thing, or anything like that but I must
> disagree with this. Marble is never as hard as quartz. Many marbles will
> have some deposits of quartz, and, trust me, you know when you found them by
> the damage they do to your tools(especially when carving marble).
> hardness by mohs scale: marble=3 , granite=5 , quartz=7 , diamond=10
> Patrick
1/2 round engraving bit through it a few times. Seems to cut
pretty easy from the little I have seen so far. I have no idea
as to what type of marble this is, or if it is even marble at
all. It is a floor tile, not ceramic, but some kind of stone.
I got a couple of very small chips in a couple of spots,
but you can hardly see them. I need to get a different size
tool, Monday, so I will let you know the results then.
Patrick, since you have done this before, how are the machined
areas polished when you're finished cutting?
Discussion Thread
Patrick Huss
2000-04-07 18:03:54 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 441
Jerome Kimberlin
2000-04-07 18:48:45 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 441
William Scalione
2000-04-07 19:59:51 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 441