CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: more pictures of RF-45 CNC on onelist web space

Posted by James Eckman
on 2000-04-08 17:49:14 UTC
> From: Dan Falck <dfalck@...>
> Has anyone in this group used a surface plate as a base for their machine yet?

When I used to work for Florod, almost all of their laser machining
systems used a surface plate for mounting the XY stage on. Mounting
holes and such may be a problem for home shop types, also it's very
heavy for its size, so your support structure may have to be beefed up a
little. That can only have good effects anyway.

Jim Eckman

Discussion Thread

James Eckman 2000-04-08 17:49:14 UTC Re: more pictures of RF-45 CNC on onelist web space