CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Combination Limit-Home Switch

on 2004-01-27 20:50:33 UTC
I am wrapping up my optical limit switches for production and a
working on the hookup instruction/compatibility sheets.

I am asking all of you whether or not the CNC controller software
allows you to configure it in the following ways:

Single switch for both a limit and a home.

Separate switches for limit and home.

Configurable to be hi (+5 VDC) active.
(This means the signal goes to +5 VDC when a limit of home is reached)

Also what controller software are you using?

Please just send it to me directly at admin@... or
click the send message link above.

There is no reason to clutter the list with stuff like this. I will
publish the results in a pretty matrix when I'm done.

If you're curious what they look like take a look at


Aaron Moss

Discussion Thread

industrialhobbies 2004-01-27 20:50:33 UTC Combination Limit-Home Switch Peter Renolds 2004-01-28 06:48:02 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Combination Limit-Home Switch