DeskCNC was Re: Desk*****?
Posted by
Fred Smith
on 2004-04-28 11:00:16 UTC
--- In, "andywander" <awander@v...>
DeskCNC is a full featured Windows CAM program with an integrated
external hardware controller, and NC editor. The DeskCNC controller
has cutter compensation, tool and work offsets, rotary and slaved 4th
axis, and integrated probe and tool setting utilities. The Cam
section can process flat DXF contours, pockets and drilling, image
files, tru-type fonts, PCB files, and 3D stl surfaces.
DeskCNC includes the capabilities of all the Carken products
(Deskart, Deskam, DeskEngrave, and DeskWinNC, plus the Rasterfratz,
DeskPCB, and Stlwork lite products from IMService.
IMService and Carken have collaborated for many years on development
of low cost products for the hobby cnc user. With the release of
DeskCNC in December of 2002, IMService became a master distributor
and primary support supplier. This permits both companies to
continue to develop new products and also to concentrate on what we
do best.
Since the initial release of DeskCNC, rotary and slaved 4th axis has
been added.
An integrated contact probe with automated toolsetter and surface
scanning, probe tip compensation, and direct to stl file capability
was released last year.
A low cost, desktop CNC sized, servo drive ($65/axis) has been
launched, and a $45, 4 axis stepper driver board.
Several servo retrofit kits and assembled systems have been released.
A developers API version of DeskCNC is available with an integrated g-
code parser.
This past week at Names we showed a new desktop machine enclosure and
some new higher powered servo motors.
There are many more new products under development which are
scheduled for release over the coming months.
Fred Smith - IMService
Group discounts and specials are at:
> Can anyone explain to me what the relationship (if any)is betweenDeskNC is a basic, low cost, Dos software controller.
> DeskNC and DeskCNC? I _believe_ that they are by the same company
> (DesKAM or Carken), but then the DeskCNC Forum is run by IMService,
> and both software packages seem to be sold by lots of people.
DeskCNC is a full featured Windows CAM program with an integrated
external hardware controller, and NC editor. The DeskCNC controller
has cutter compensation, tool and work offsets, rotary and slaved 4th
axis, and integrated probe and tool setting utilities. The Cam
section can process flat DXF contours, pockets and drilling, image
files, tru-type fonts, PCB files, and 3D stl surfaces.
DeskCNC includes the capabilities of all the Carken products
(Deskart, Deskam, DeskEngrave, and DeskWinNC, plus the Rasterfratz,
DeskPCB, and Stlwork lite products from IMService.
IMService and Carken have collaborated for many years on development
of low cost products for the hobby cnc user. With the release of
DeskCNC in December of 2002, IMService became a master distributor
and primary support supplier. This permits both companies to
continue to develop new products and also to concentrate on what we
do best.
Since the initial release of DeskCNC, rotary and slaved 4th axis has
been added.
An integrated contact probe with automated toolsetter and surface
scanning, probe tip compensation, and direct to stl file capability
was released last year.
A low cost, desktop CNC sized, servo drive ($65/axis) has been
launched, and a $45, 4 axis stepper driver board.
Several servo retrofit kits and assembled systems have been released.
A developers API version of DeskCNC is available with an integrated g-
code parser.
This past week at Names we showed a new desktop machine enclosure and
some new higher powered servo motors.
There are many more new products under development which are
scheduled for release over the coming months.
Fred Smith - IMService
Group discounts and specials are at:
Discussion Thread
2004-04-27 17:58:53 UTC
Fred Smith
2004-04-28 11:00:16 UTC
DeskCNC was Re: Desk*****?
Andy Wander
2004-04-28 11:51:32 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] DeskCNC was Re: Desk*****?