RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Driver software.
Posted by
Carlos Guillermo
on 2000-04-21 17:22:05 UTC
It's not free, but Ability Systems has an HPGL controller that will talk to
their IndexerLPT indexer. It's actually kind of pricey, considering you
need to also buy IndexerLPT ($275) in addition to HPGL Controller ($295).
The KCAM product seems to better fit the bill. I'm surprised no-one has
mentioned them here, that I can remember.
Carlos Guillermo
VERVE Engineering & Design
their IndexerLPT indexer. It's actually kind of pricey, considering you
need to also buy IndexerLPT ($275) in addition to HPGL Controller ($295).
The KCAM product seems to better fit the bill. I'm surprised no-one has
mentioned them here, that I can remember.
Carlos Guillermo
VERVE Engineering & Design
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. J. Larsen [mailto:jjl@...]
> Sent: Friday, April 21, 2000 5:58 PM
> To: cad_cam
> Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Driver software.
> Hi all.
> I need some help to find the right software (for PC and WIN95) for my
> pcb-milling project, so I hope you will give me some advise on
> what to use.
> The isolate software (IsoPro) generates a HPGL file, this file should be
> input to the software that i'm looking for. The output should be
> controlsignals on the parrallel-port for the stepper controllers (3-axis).
> The software don't need to be free.
> Thank in advance.
> Jens J. Larsen
> Denmark
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Discussion Thread
J. J. Larsen
2000-04-21 14:59:12 UTC
Driver software.
Carlos Guillermo
2000-04-21 17:22:05 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Driver software.
Fred Smith
2000-04-22 06:31:57 UTC
Re: Driver software.