CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

How can I fix this? "G"

Posted by testfly@a...
on 2004-05-25 06:30:07 UTC
Hi Guys,

I need some help. I have set up my router table with a floating pen so I can mark material as well as cut material. The reason the pen floats is so the tip can ride the surface rather then be forced into it.

Here is the problem I have run into.

In Design Cad 14 there is an image of a train. I have gotten the G code for it and was running it on my machine. About an hour into the project there is a problem. The machine stops and turbocnc shows the following message: "ERROR! Arc of zero steps in circular interp - aborting" (Screen shot here)

I would really like to see this image finished. I am a train lover and even built a "G scale" train that is gear driven and gas with forward and reverse and the best part is that it is radio control. (G meaning size meaning larger than HO gauge)

Anyway I would like to figure out how to get passed this error message.
Can someone offer me any help.
Here is a look at what it was doing when it stopped.
I think this would be awesome to see finished.
I would like to make one and hang it on the wall.

Thanks for any and all help!!


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Discussion Thread

testfly@a... 2004-05-25 06:30:07 UTC How can I fix this? "G" Torsten 2004-05-25 11:19:35 UTC Re: How can I fix this? "G" testfly@a... 2004-05-25 17:09:48 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: How can I fix this? "G"