Re: Boss 5
Posted by
on 2004-08-15 15:53:43 UTC
Nate, the following is a quote from Mariss taken from his answer to my
questions to him regarding running Geckos fully loaded:
"Our drive uses 15 amp, 100V rated power devices. The drive is
designed to run 24/7 at 7 amps and 80VDC simultaneously. It is already
derated for reliability. Just keep the case temperature from getting
uncomfortably hot to the touch and use an external 470uF / 100VDC cap
across the supply; it'll run forever."
--- In, "rocketscientistnate"
<rocketscientistnate@y...> wrote:
questions to him regarding running Geckos fully loaded:
"Our drive uses 15 amp, 100V rated power devices. The drive is
designed to run 24/7 at 7 amps and 80VDC simultaneously. It is already
derated for reliability. Just keep the case temperature from getting
uncomfortably hot to the touch and use an external 470uF / 100VDC cap
across the supply; it'll run forever."
--- In, "rocketscientistnate"
<rocketscientistnate@y...> wrote:
> Thanks to everyone for your help with my BP Boss 5 question. I
> would probably go with the Geckos, but I think they need a lot of
> heat sinking, and running at max current probably wouldn't be that
> good for them for extended periods of time. (I'm hoping to run it
> 12-16 hours a day) There isn't any cheap way to change to servos
> and do something similar is there? Is there a way to add a tool
> changer to this? It has a Universal Kwik Switch 200. I think I
> will probably sell it and get something a little newer anyway. If
> anyone is interested, my webpage is
> Thanks again
> Nathan Clymer
Discussion Thread
2004-08-15 08:31:51 UTC
Boss 5
Jon Elson
2004-08-15 11:24:41 UTC
Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Boss 5
2004-08-15 15:53:43 UTC
Re: Boss 5
2004-08-15 17:08:00 UTC
Re: Boss 5