CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Boss 5 retrofitting project

Posted by Tim Leech
on 2004-08-23 12:58:30 UTC
--- In, Les Newell <lesnewell@f...>
> Hi Nathan,
> It is a good idea to have some sort of buffer/breakout board
> PC and the Geckos. More and more modern motherboards are going over
> 3.3V parallel ports which won't directly drive the Geckos. Ideally
> also want the breakout board to have opto-isolated inputs. Optos
> drastically reduce electrical noise and noise problems can be a
> PITA to find and cure.
> If you need 3D contouring you have 3 options really:
> DeskCNC Windows based. This uses a hardware
> pulse generator that would take the place of the breakout board. I
> no hands-on experience with this so I can't say how good the
> is. Price $350


I'm using DeskCNC on a Bridgeport Boss with the the original
brand) steppers, and Gecko 201's. Deskcnc has its quirks and
limitations, but generally works pretty well for me now. Nice smooth
curves in 2D and with spiral grooves using a 4th axis. I did have
stability problems with it, that seems to be more or less sorted now
with the latest firmware and software.

I'm using the motors with the windings in parallel. Works well for
I found the limitation for rapid movement was lifting the weight of
the quill with an upwards move on the Z axis (don't ask how I found
that out :-( ), I have it set for the equivalent of, AFAIR, about
ipm max & that gives reliable results on all axes.

One regret over plumping for Deskcnc is that building the controller
around their board makes trying out other systems (I've never used
anything else, and would like to investigate the options) a major


Discussion Thread

rocketscientistnate 2004-08-23 10:35:26 UTC Boss 5 retrofitting project Les Newell 2004-08-23 10:59:38 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Boss 5 retrofitting project Tim Leech 2004-08-23 12:58:30 UTC Re: Boss 5 retrofitting project Keith Clark 2004-08-23 20:11:04 UTC Re: Boss 5 retrofitting project Jon Elson 2004-08-23 20:45:35 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Boss 5 retrofitting project rocketscientistnate 2004-08-26 15:28:06 UTC Boss 5 retrofitting project