CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Vector Vs Tensor (tensor???)

on 2000-05-19 12:10:02 UTC
I'am searching for a simple and affordable cad-cam package.
Tensor looked great but after i had seen Vector the choice
got very difficult for me
These 2 programs Have exactly the same user-interfaces

Could anyone help me with making a choice

I really like the script edit functions in Tensor (its like visual
basic) But vector has better pocketing and contouring functions

Will vector (in the future expand on script functions as seen in
Tensor)?? The possibilities with it are unlimited.
Were can i get Tensor scripts on the net??
Will tensor get better pocket and contouring functions
What about support and updates for vector.

Help very much appreciated. Ray.

Discussion Thread

h.t.goorsenberg@w... 2000-05-19 12:10:02 UTC Vector Vs Tensor (tensor???) Tim Goldstein 2000-05-19 20:09:59 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Vector Vs Tensor (tensor???) Tim Goldstein 2000-05-20 16:55:52 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Vector Vs Tensor (tensor???)