CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Electrocraft E670 spin test

Posted by squideclipse
on 2005-02-08 20:44:49 UTC
Mounted the E670 motor to the lathe and spun at two different rates.
It produced 17.8 volts @710 rpm , 24.9 volts @1030 rpm. I am not sure
of the accuracy of the pully combinations . Produces a Kv of 25v/Krpm.
A Kt of 1.351 * Kv =33.775 ozin/amp. Where to from here?

Discussion Thread

squideclipse 2005-02-08 20:44:49 UTC Electrocraft E670 spin test Jon Elson 2005-02-09 11:07:15 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Electrocraft E670 spin test