CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2 Mice)

on 2005-02-09 11:58:15 UTC
I posted some pics and such in a thread over on
is the link.

Not much new info and I have not drawn up a schematic of the circuit
boards just yet. I'd be curious if anyone could follow the design
looking at the picture of the circuit board and description. .hehe

But I will draw up a schematic as soon as I can. But as I found each
mouse is a bit different in it's design. See the thread where I have
pictures of the 2 mice and the one where I had to eliminate one of it's
transistors to give the sensors proper ground (could tell by following
the circuit on the back of the mouse board.

Hopefully tonight I will have time to mount the other mouse to my mill.
So far I've only had the x axis mouse mounted and only just finished
wiring the Y axis mouse.


-----Original Message-----
From: m0nkey0ne [mailto:m0nkey0ne@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2005 2:53 PM
Subject: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2

I read and will continue to watch what you are doing to whip
unrelenting mice into DRO submission. I have a vehicle down and have
to finish it before I play with the mice, but have research it some
on the net. I will anxiously await your instructions and/or parts
list, plus rereading your post. I am not versed well in electronics,
but have done programming in C++ and love Visual Basic. Most
anything can happen. Keep up the work on "DRo. Frankenmouse"

--- In, "William Carrothers"
<wcarrothers@c...> wrote:
> Well in an effort to have a cheep DRO I figured I'd end up using
the mouse encoders to interface with the parallel port using the DRO
software that reads the parallel ports from Using
encoders from PS2 microsoft type mice
> Anyway I couldn't find much out there on mouse mutilations that
didn't use Logitech mice. And of course I've long since tossed all
my Logitech mice which I liked a lot but simply wore out. But I do
happen to have a LOT of MS mice.
> Of course they are built different. The out put of their IR
sensors is different then I think the Logitech ones are based on some
of the schematics I've seen on the web.
> The MS mice use 1 IR emitter and 1 sensor which has 2 outputs which
produce the oscillating output signals to determine direction. The
encoders used in the I think
output negative pulses which trip the PNP transistors to signal the
5v to the parallel ports. Looking at the Microsoft mouse circuit
board it was kinda easy to see the sensors were going to send hi
output when triggered rather then low so connecting to PNP
transistors like they did on the lindsyengraving site wouldn't work.
> Anyway I'm just dangerous enough with electronics and transistors
to know when things work. But in any case in my experimenting I
connected the Encoder signals from the MS mouse to some NPN
transistors then watched how the LED's pulsed. Took a little bit to
figure out which pin's of the mouse chip (once removed) needed to be
used (follow the circuit board layouts) but once powered with 5v I
was getting signals to the NPN transistors and was able to watch some
connected LED lights blink on and off as I spun the wheel... Success.
> Now the problem was to convert that signal to PNP so I could send
5v to the parallel port.
> To do that I connected the output of the NPN transistors to some
4N25 optical isolators (pin 1 to the NPN transistor and 2 to
ground). That triggered the optical transistor on the other side and
that (pin 4 ground and 5 to PNP) triggers the PNP transistors . The
rest of it is the same as Lindsy engraving's site. to the parallel
> The mouse bodies are mounted to the mill and a simple rubber band
running around the crank shafts with some PVC slipped and shrunk
around the shafts to guide the band a little bit.. the band goes
around the signal wheel triggers the signals. After getting it
dialed in with the dro software it works Really good. Took
something like a .00004725 count offset in the software to get it
counting right with the signals.
> I had a handful of mice to play with. and while the mouse chip for
the most part had the same pin outs for reading the sensors (pin 1
and 2 for x and pin 3 and 4 for Y Pin 5 was positive) one of the
mouse needed 6,11,12 to ground and the other just needed 6 and 12 and
had an extra transistor on it which had to be removed and bridged
with negative.
> I did find how ever non of my P2 gate way boxes would work at all.
Stupid gateway parallel ports not standard? Ended up using one of my
P1 machines I have laying around.
> Anyway sorry for the long post. Hopefully I will have some
pictures of the work and schematics up soon. My descriptions of
things probably isn't really good enough for the non brave to try but
couldn't wait to talk about it.
> b.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Discussion Thread

William Carrothers 2005-02-08 17:00:19 UTC Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2 Mice) Ron Kline 2005-02-08 19:18:53 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2 Mice) m0nkey0ne 2005-02-09 11:53:47 UTC Re: Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2 Mice) William Carrothers 2005-02-09 11:58:15 UTC RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: Mutilated mouse DRO (using Microsoft PS2 Mice)