CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Stepper driver problem

Posted by washcomp
on 2005-02-21 13:59:04 UTC
DAMN - two steps forward one step back. Anyhow, figured I was about
finished with this beast and have been testing function by function.
All of a sudden I noticed my Z axis isn't working.

I'm using API CMD-260 stepper drives. Now understand, the axis has
not had any stress, was working a couple of weeks ago, all the wiring
is OK, power voltage to the terminal is correct (70v DC).

Now, the power LED is not lit, no evidence of anything wrong - just
dead. Is this usual. Should I throw the sucker out and buy
another? Is there some magic that should be worked first to see if
it can live again? Any ideas?


Discussion Thread

washcomp 2005-02-21 13:59:04 UTC Stepper driver problem