CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Sokki DL102 digital readout

on 2005-05-23 12:21:35 UTC

I can fix your sokki digital readout system. Call me at 877-376-4373.

My web site is or



--- In, "optics22000" <elliot@h...> wrote:
> My Sokki DL102 readout and scales were purchased on ebay years ago,
> they've given good service, until now. The display reads FF.....,
> which according to the manual might mean overflow. This must be an
> error since nothing is moving. This reading comes up on both x and y
> as soon as the readout is turned on.
> No pushing of buttons seems to change anything.
> No changes have been made in any settings.
> I've checked the power supply, it gives +5 and +/-15 V as one would
> expect.
> Connectors have all been pulled out and replaced.
> Does anyone have experience with this brand, or know of a
> repairperson? A web search was not helpful.....
> Any help would be gratefully received.
> regards-
> Elliot B.

Discussion Thread

optics22000 2005-05-22 17:04:31 UTC Sokki DL102 digital readout jymmm 2005-05-23 10:39:02 UTC Re: Sokki DL102 digital readout linearmeasurement 2005-05-23 12:21:35 UTC Re: Sokki DL102 digital readout