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Re: Decent free G-code editor?

on 2005-09-03 17:54:28 UTC
> Hi All,
> Is there a decent visual G-code editor out there?
> I dont want something to create my toolpaths (as I have these already)
> but something I can use to safely pull out unnecessary G0 X0 Y0's that
> seem to arise when I concatenate multiple toolpaths together. Also,
> changing things like "G01 Z-5 F<SNAILSPACE>" so they rapid down through
> what's already been cut first and then plunge what hasn't, rather than
> starting plunging slowly from my safeZ.
> Free, or very cheap would be good, too...
> Cheers!
> Abby

Not *quite* free but Discriminator is well worth a look at.
The download is slightly crippled in about two areas that don't affect single user day to day operations.
This can colour commands different colours so you can spot them straight away.
Also hitting F11 will give you a preview simulation window so you can spot any errors.

John S.

Discussion Thread

John Stevenson 2005-09-03 17:54:28 UTC Re: Decent free G-code editor?