CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: Cost of Plans from Sieman (moderator note)

Posted by caudlet
on 2006-01-04 08:51:59 UTC
<Snip> Hi Seiman, Is the router one where the table is
stationary? What is the price of the plans? Do you have a
direct EMail address

Guys: Gentle Reminder....This should be done off-list when you start
talking pricing and product specific stuff. We tend to let vendors
keep the list informed about products and post links and do a one time
announcement of new products, but the list is not to be used to
conduct person to person contacts or to do business.



Discussion Thread

deepcavity 2006-01-04 07:32:23 UTC Cost of Plans from Sieman caudlet 2006-01-04 08:51:59 UTC Re: Cost of Plans from Sieman (moderator note)