CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 551

Posted by Andrew Werby
on 2000-07-02 22:27:20 UTC
Message: 5
Date: Sun, 02 Jul 2000 11:23:22 -0500
From: Mike Rainone <mrain1@...>
Subject: Maxnc help

Hi, group.

With the help of Jon Elson, Tim Goldstein and Dan Mauch, I have finally
(almost) gotten my homebrew CNC router running. It runs Dan's 5A stepper
board and 300 oz. in. steppers. It was also direct drive onto a rack and
pinion X and Y and had a resolution, I think of, 140 half steps per
inch, which was pretty course. Maxnc DLX was used as a controller and it
worked! Crudely, but it worked. Since then I have geared it down 4/1 to
increase resolution, but I am having trouble getting Maxnc calibrated.
On jog, after a zillion pulses it finally jogs one step or perhaps a
half step.

[It should jog as soon as you press "5" (jog) then hit the key
corresponding to the axis you wish to move, then press a "shift" key. On
the Z axis, for instance, the left shift key makes it go down, the right
makes it go up.]

The problem is that the software is accompanied by perhaps
the most criminally negligent documentation that has ever been issued. I
realize that for $250 I shouldn't be complaining too much, but this is
beyond reason. The folks at Maxnc are terrifically nice when you call
them for help, but direct phone contact is NOT a substitute for even
half-assed docs, which these aren't. I also understand that CNC programs
are not all for newbies, but even an experienced CNC user is owed some
information about how a new piece of software works.

[Yes, their manual gives "terse" a new meaning.]

I am at the point that if I could figure how to change the "scale" it
might behave itself, though that is only a guess. In addition, I am
importing ".fan" files from Mill Wizard, then changing the ".fan" to
".t" Does anyone know what Maxnc really wants in the form of a G-code
file? Any help would be appreciated.

Mike Rainone

[What is it doing that you don't like? If you don't like the scale in
MillWizard, you can change it in that program, or you can do it in MaxNC
DLX- but doing it in Millwizard would probably be better. I've used the
"g-code" option when writing files in MW, which yields a ".tap" file. These
seem to run okay in MaxNC as is.]

Andrew Werby

Andrew Werby - United Artworks
Sculpture, Jewelry, and Other Art Stuff

Discussion Thread

Andrew Werby 2000-07-02 22:27:20 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Digest Number 551