Re: stepper-servo system
Posted by
Graham Stabler
on 2006-08-02 10:40:37 UTC
--- In, "caudlet" <thom@...> wrote:
But if it were a dc servo system there would be some gain factor to
take the error voltage and determine the rate of that pulse train.
respond quite quickly to electrode position. I don't care at all
about the actual servo position just maintaining the gap. In terms of
a dead band, the steady state should have the head moving forwards
slowly with the feedrate adjusted to acheive this rather than a
bang-bang approach which will always cause oscillation or a pulsing
forward motion with a deadband.
> Actually it's pretty easy. Your define a target voltage. You compareramped STEP rate from another pin.
> that with the scaled gap voltage. If it's higher you set the
> processor to flip the DIR pin the correct dir and then output a
But if it were a dc servo system there would be some gain factor to
take the error voltage and determine the rate of that pulse train.
>The gap voltage becomes the feedback. The coupling is loose ratherThe coupling is based on the gap voltage of course but this should
>than like in a postional loop.
respond quite quickly to electrode position. I don't care at all
about the actual servo position just maintaining the gap. In terms of
a dead band, the steady state should have the head moving forwards
slowly with the feedrate adjusted to acheive this rather than a
bang-bang approach which will always cause oscillation or a pulsing
forward motion with a deadband.
Discussion Thread
Graham Stabler
2006-07-31 06:46:24 UTC
stepper-servo system
Alan Marconett
2006-07-31 09:00:48 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-07-31 09:26:49 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Alan Marconett
2006-07-31 10:19:41 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: stepper-servo system
Thomas J Powderly
2006-07-31 18:16:30 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-07-31 23:56:20 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-01 01:45:37 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-01 04:54:05 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-01 05:23:42 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-01 05:40:52 UTC
propeller corrections was Re: stepper-servo system
Thomas J Powderly
2006-08-01 19:41:12 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 01:33:17 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-02 09:46:48 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 10:40:37 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 10:42:40 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-02 11:16:15 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-02 13:02:21 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-02 13:34:41 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
John Dammeyer
2006-08-02 13:46:33 UTC
RE: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] Re: stepper-servo system
2006-08-02 14:05:33 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 16:33:42 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 16:39:55 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 16:41:08 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system
Graham Stabler
2006-08-02 16:46:05 UTC
Re: stepper-servo system