CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive


on 2009-02-17 20:51:12 UTC
I just recieved an e-mail from Roland that he has sent out to the
many people who have attended the workshops. Sadly, it sounds as if
there will be no more workshops hosted by Roland at Cardinal
Engineering. Due to circumstances way beyond my control, I was not
able to attend last years show. I guess I will always regret not
being there...It was truly awesome being around so many cnc "nuts"!!

It would be real nice to call or e-mail Roland thanking him and his
staff for hosting the workshops. It was a lot of work, but also a
lot of fun! Hope to see some of you in the future. Rickomatic

The following is the e-mail he sent out.

I've been asked by several folks about the 2009 CNC-Workshop.
Unfortunately, there will be
no workshop this year.
I have had a serious medical problem starting early December and
running through mid
January. Hit my head on a low beam about Dec 1 and felt pretty bad
for a couple of weeks.
My right hand quit working and my doctor sent me to the local
hospital for a CT scan. Ended
up with a helicopter ride to the critical care neurological unit in
Peoria. Seems I had internal
bleeding inside my head putting pressure on the brain.
They drilled a hole for a drain tube but it didn't fix the problem.
A week later they cut a 50
cent sized hole and hosed things down inside. At least I think so,
but I was asleep at the time.
They reassembled things with titanium screws (they tell me).
I have decided that it is time to close down Cardinal Engineering
and retire. I am building a
large garage behind my house that will have room for a "hobby"
machine shop. The
equipment will be sold and if any of you guys want to buy some of
it, I'll make you a really good
I believe the EMC contingent will have their meeting in Kansas.
Contact Ray Henry for details.
An auction will be held for the remaining equipment not already
sold, probably in early June
or July.
I've really enjoyed having the CNC-Workshop each year and would like
to continue but my
doctors (and my wife) feel that it would be better at this time to
eliminate the stress of holding
it in 2009.
If you have any interest in the equipment, CNC components, hardware,
or attending the
auction, etc., get in touch with me by e-mail or phone.
Roland Friestad
E-Mail - Info@...
Phone - 309-342-7474 - (answering machine on 24 hours a day)

Discussion Thread

rickomatic2006 2009-02-17 20:51:12 UTC CNC-WORKSHOP 2009 Jon Elson 2009-02-18 10:03:37 UTC Re: [CAD_CAM_EDM_DRO] CNC-WORKSHOP 2009