CAD CAM EDM DRO - Yahoo Group Archive

OFFICIALLY, CCED HAS 11001 members today.

Posted by bill
on 2010-03-12 21:04:18 UTC
OFFICIALLY, CCED HAS 11001 members today. Actually, of course, a lot of them have long since moved on, passed on, lost interest, and who knows what else. But officially it is 11001 tonight.

Hard to believe this group was started with just 12 members, signing up at a NAMES seminar, for the reason that I could not hear. And I had a front row seat, with $1000 worth of hearing aids. I thought it would be better if we could post every day, rather than talk once a year. First message was posted May 5, 1999. A few fights, a lot of successes and that was the important thing.

To date there are 97192 messages. First message was on May 5, 1999. IIRC, we have in the past, exceeded 500 messages in a month. There used to be a chart that showed the number, but looks like Yahoo no longer has that feature.
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bill 2010-03-12 21:04:18 UTC OFFICIALLY, CCED HAS 11001 members today.